PrefaceOn 9 March 2016, Canada Number One Living published an article titled "Children's Aid Society - a mask should have been long unveiled" (加拿大儿童保护协会——一副早该被撕碎的假面) in Chinese at Torpeople.com. The main body of this web page is the English translation of the aforesaid article. Our comments are at the end of this page. ![]() Children's Aid Society - a mask should have been long unveiledOne day, a baby in the house accidentally bumped the head. The young mother took the baby to the hospital for examination. She was very nervous and kept saying, “This is an accident. I did not abuse my baby. You will not be reported to the CAS (Children's Aid Society, hereinafter known as CAS) me?” This scenario occurred every day in Canada. In the minds of parents, CAS has become a symbol of "the child removal, family destruction". CAS was established in 1985. The original intent of establishing such organization is to protect children and to enhance child welfare. If there is a report of corporal punishment on a child, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, domestic dispute, CAS is obliged to investigate. Child protection workers have the power to remove children from their family and place them elsewhere as they see fit. CAS should be children's guardian angel. However, in the last few decades, the former angel is gradually corrupted by money and power. Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne openly condemned CAS last December (of 2015). She said that she would prefer "blowing up" this "dilapidated" CAS regime to seeing more families destroyed. No one showed any concern about this news. The reason is simple: the Premier’s statement was overshadowed by ISIS. People are more afraid of terrorists, and no one believes that CAS would be so horrifying. After the author read child protection court cases, government reports, and news reports, the puzzles add up to show the tip of an iceberg of problems created by the huge bureaucracy. Not a government welfare agencyWe want to discuss the basic nature of CAS. A very simple question: is CAS a public welfare organization? In Ontario, there are 47 CAS agencies located in Toronto, London and Waterloo. In 2015, these agencies received government funding totaling 1.5 billion Canadian dollars (which exceeds the police budget by 500 million). ![]() CAS is indeed a national private enterprise. It resembles brand names like McDonald's and KFC. CAS is run by local directors all over the country. Although they are all under the CAS banner, there is no affiliation among them. Quality of CAS employees varies. A former CAS employee had been accused of sexual assault. The court required the employee to turn himself in. However, he fled the next day. But this story has been quickly forgotten by the public. Why is CAS formidable?
Homeschooling could be a reason of child removal. A 2012 survey conducted by a third party indicated that only 66% of the CAS cases and arrest met the requirements set forth in the "Child and Family Services Act". This suggests that the remaining 34% cases of arrest is illegal. Consequently, many families will resist and go to court to argue against CAS allegations. At that time, they will see the full horror of CAS. Court generally views that when CAS employees act in good faith, they are immune if they make wrong decisions. Countless CAS wrongdoings are not punished under good faith protection. So how to determine whether CAS employees are acting in good faith? This will be further elaborated later in this article. ![]() Immunization from the Privacy ActCAS often acts above law. Another scary aspect is the intrusion of privacy. Ontario has two privacy laws, "Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act" (hereinafter known as FIPPA) and the "Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act" (hereinafter known as MFIPPA). These two regulations stipulate what documents must be made public or to remain sealed. It brought to the attention of the author when reading the manual of CAS that both FIPPA and MFIPPA have no power over CAS in Ontario. (Ontario's 47 CASs are not governed by FIPPA and MFIPPA). What does this mean? This means that if there are miscarriages of justice and CAS-created atrocities, the judiciary cannot investigate because CAS is not governed under privacy acts. On the other hand, CAS could intrude the privacy of any family. They have access to the medical history of all family members and their internet browsing history. ![]() Internal documents leakedPaper, however cannot contain fire. In 2013, the self-serving motive of CAS is finally exposed. On March 14, 2013, an internal memo from a senior CAS staff was leaked. In the memo, a senior management staff notified staff members not to rush closing child protection files, because that would lead to a reduction of government funding. What does this mean? CAS is a well-funded organization. Frontline staff annual salary is between $60,000 to $70,000. Media has reported that some senior CAS employees drive luxurious cars and live in expensive mansions. CAS has various sources of funding: donations private individuals and charitable foundations. However, their largest source of funding is from the government, which means that CAS is largely financed by tax dollars. ![]() For example: if CAS alleged child abuse at home, removed the child. The child is under the care of CAS. If the child was eventually returned to the parents or adoption by another family, then the case is closed. The government funds CAS in direct proportion to the number of children removed. In other words, the more children removed, the more government funding CAS will get. Of course, CAS certainly does not want child protection files closed. Many kind-hearted families who want to adopt removed children met resistance from CAS. CAS finds various excuses to delay and deny adoption. Once a child is adopted, CAS would have to provide financial support to adoptive families. Under this system, removed children become a source of income to CAS.
FlawsAs previously mentioned, CAS is a local organization. Regulations and the constitutions of each agency are different. Miscarriage of justice is common. Some shocking incidents are the Toronto Motherisk scandal in 2014 and adoptive and foster father sexual assault scandal in 2013. Motherisk is a laboratory Toronto Sickkids Children's Hospital, the lab is also CAS long-term partners. If CAS suspect a father or mother has a drug addiction or alcoholism, so they have the right to extract the person's hair, saliva, and then submit them to the Motherisk lab for testing. If lab analysis showed that drug test is positive, then CAS would be entitled to remove this person's children. In mid-2015, an independent third-party survey suggests that equipment in Motherisk lab is not up to standard. It is highly likely to make mistakes. In re-examination of previous Motherrisk cases, dozens of errors have been found. This implies that CAS has destroyed dozens of innocent families. This news immediately caused an uproar. CAS pleaded ignorance and immediately terminated several hundred tests in Motherisk lab. Hundreds of removed children still remain in care. The fate of these removed children remain unclear. What happened to those who have been removed from their parents based on faulty test results? ![]() In 2013, five children who were placed by CAS in foster families jointly sue their foster parents. They alleged physical abuse and sexual assault by their foster parents during their childhood. Three out of the four accused have already pleaded guilty. Removed children are forced to live their childhood in homes of strangers. They never enjoy the warmth of family. They have to muster tremendous courage to take the witness stand in court to seek justice against these devils. Protest voiceSo Why? Why such a corrupt, ruthless, irresponsible organization still exists? Why the once righteous CAS degenerated? Now, I will answer all the questions asked before. How can we stop CAS aggrandizement? How should we assess the intent of CAS employees? How do we put CAS back on track? Answer: Third Party Oversight Supervision Since 1980, the Canadian Parliament had passed numerous similar bill: Bill No. 88, Act 93, Act 130, Act 131, Act 183, Act No. 110, No. 42 bill. These acts are proposed by righteous lawmakers to empower a third party to conduct full investigations on CAS. If any one of these bills are passed, authorities can investigate, collect evidence and prosecute. ![]() In 2013, Act No. 42 (An Act to amend the Ombudsman Act with respect to children's aid societies) was proposed by the Hamilton Conservative MP Ms. Monique Taylor. Among these bills, Act 42 is the closest to success. It passed the first and second debate, but then it flopped. ![]() Ms. Monique Taylor is a mother. Before the formal submission of the bill, she collected signatures from 1200 households in a joint letter to support her bill. However, she did not succeed. In the second round of debate, the bill received 55 votes in favor and 34 votes against it. Why MPP opposed the bill? Perhaps, they have their reasons. Perhaps the real face of CAS will be unveiled one day. However, we must not forget that millions of removed kids who cry each night, the missing members in countless family portrait and the brokern hearts of oppressed parents. If the solidarity of all of us is needed to protect our children, then apathy from all of us is also required to turn a blind eye on the pain of removed children.
Under the pretext of child protection, workers in child protection agencies in all CPS-infested jurisdiction have power more than the police and, in many cases, provincial court judges. Motivated by job security and financial interests, they ruthlessly remove children to fabricate demand of their services without fear of personal repercussion. The 2011 documentary film "Powerful As God" contains testimonies from oppressed parents and victims. It provides evidence that demands a verdict. Many Canadians presume that removed children are in good hands. Empirical data prove the contrary. Children in foster care are at a greater risk of suicide, the increased risk of suicide is still prevalent after leaving foster care and occurs at a higher rate than the general population. They suffer an overall higher mortality rate than children in the general population, often due to substance abuse, accidents, suicide, medical conditions and developmental delays. They are much less likely to be successful in school and are more likely to experience behavioral problems, involve in criminal activities and become a chronic burden to society as welfare recipients. From a broader perspective, the corruption reveals flaws in democracy. It is obvious that child welfare legislation and policies are controlled by service providers whose job security depends on government funding. Elected politicians turn a blind eye to CAS created atrocities and generously spend our hard earned tax dollars to placate service providers. To maximize the chance of success in the next election, politicians do not want to antagonize the unions and associations who represent most front line child protection workers, lawyers, shrinks and foster parents. These service providers form a cartel and will gang up against whoever may jeopardize their lucrative business. The 2015 JP case 2015 BCSC 1216 in B.C. demonstrates how vigorous service providers will fight back when challenged. They have access to the deep pocket of taxpayers and are generously abusing it to further their interests. There is no built-in mechanism to correct the problem. Grievance and legitimate complaints from oppressed parents are ignored. Children who died in care are written off as an inevitable act of god. Malice, misconduct and misfeasance in public office are whitewashed as honest mistakes. More funding is granted after ministry created atrocities went public. Whistle blowers, critics and those who disagree with what the industry does are persecuted, threatened of breaking the law (often violation of privacy) or placed under duress of child removal. Ironically, CPS jeopardizes the safety of our children, civil liberty and freedom. It weakens our nation by breaking up families, perpetuating more social problems and social unrest. Our remarks below are given not for the purpose of criticism of the article but to provide supplementary knowledge to enhance better understanding of problems created by state-sponsored child removal.
[This page was conceptualized on 14 March 2016, published on 16 March 2016, last revised on 21 March 2016.]