The purposes of bringing legal and non-legal tactics frequently used by MCFD to the attention of our readers are:
Experience from these parents is indispensable in unveiling the true nature of state-sponsored child removals. Frequently used tactics are analyzed below. To those who have no experience with MCFD, these tactics may appear unbelievable. Before you dismiss them as hyperbole, we emphasize that the tactics below are from a collective experience of parents who had received services from MCFD first hand. They are not fictitious.
To those who are in the early stage of being scrutinized by "child protection" social workers, the messages delivered in this YouTube video may appear absurd and radical. It is hard to believe a government agency can be so corrupted and the courts are so kangaroo in 21st century Canada. Doubt cast to undermine credibility is very effective to turn the public away from believing parents who have the painful experience. What if half of what these messages are true? Can you live with such a system that could potentially affect you or your loved one? The
comments from viewers shed more light on the truth.
Unlike the law where the maker of this video resides, social workers in British Columbia, Canada do not need acknowledgment, let alone consent, from parents or from court before they can legally interrogate and remove children from schools and to obtained medical information for doctors.
One of the most despicable tactics used by service providers of the "child protection" industry is using powerful psychotropic drugs with strong negative side effects on removed children. The purpose is to keep those who naturally want to go back to their parents under control and suppress their natural behavior at the expense of creating long-term adverse effects.
While this tactic is common in other English-speaking nations, we are not aware that MCFD is using this tactic. That said, we are not suggesting that MCFD has never used this.
MCFD Tactics
Their Objectives
Harmful Effects on Parents,
Children & Society
blackmail parents to admit guilt in court in exchange for “considering” the return of children
beat parents into submission to agree with the child protection “findings” of social worker
• bring the administration of justice into disrepute
• render loss of public confidence in the government
• induce massive conflict among family members
• traumatize children and their families
use the return of children as bait to force one parent (usually the wife) to testify in court that the other parent (usually the husband) has abused the children the way MCFD perceives
threaten removed children to tell their parents that they are scared in foster home, want to come home badly and urge parents to do whatever social workers seek
a typical psychological warfare tactics using loved ones as pawn to beat parents into submission
set bad example to young children that authority may achieve their goals by such unorthodox means
with or without new evidence, repeatedly remove children if children were returned by court under a supervision order [this is allowed by
Section 36(1) of CFCSA], the soonest re-removal we came across is 15 minutes after the judge ordered returning children to their mother.
• to punish parents, especially those who stand defiant to MCFD’s unwanted, uninvited interventions and “services”
• to seek re-litigation from different judge hoping to get a more favorable judgment
• squander public resources
• traumatize children and parents
• bring the administration of justice into disrepute as the principle of res judicata is not respected or followed
• blatant abuse of process and power
incorporate satisfactory completion of counseling as a supervision term and use MCFD-paid counselor to force parents to admit guilt before the counseling is considered satisfactory to MCFD director
to beat parents into admitting guilt to justify their action, otherwise the supervision term of satisfactory completion of counseling could never be accomplished and therefore no removal of “child protection concern” and family cannot be reunited
• render counseling ineffective as all information discussed during counseling is open to MCFD
• defeat the original intent of supervision order of restoring healthy parenthood
• prolong separation of family and create undue hardship
seek supervision order to force parents to live apart
• to create financial hardship to punish parents
• to loosen bond between parents and create more favorable condition to use divide and conquer strategy
• to create more family problems to justify their involvement and intervention
destroying parent’s financial resources that could otherwise be used for the well being of their children, such as saving for education or sending children to recreational activities
despite whether or not parents have such need, seek supervision term to compel parents to put children in day care centre specified by MCFD under the pretext that children are safer when they are exposed to the public
• to inconvenience parents
• to find more opportunities to create “evidence” to prove their “child protection” findings as negative comments on parents made by day care centre staffs (whose livelihood depends on MCFD’s funding) will be used against parents in court (hearsay evidence is allowed by Section 67 and 68 of CFCSA
• to facilitate removal of children should they see fit of doing so
• to create business opportunities for other beneficiaries in the "child protection" industry
[added on July 17, 2008]
• squander public resources • render loss of public confidence in government and the child protection legal proceedings
obtain medical records of all
family members from Medical
Service Plan and Pharmcare
without giving notice, let alone
obtaining consent; this is usually
done at the onset of a child
protection investigation
fish for history of drugs, alcohol
addiction and mental disorder,
physical and sexual abuse
invading the privacy of each
notify school teachers, church staff, neighbors, ... etc. of their perception of child protection concerns and require them to keep an eye on the children in question
put more surveillance on the
children to increase the chance of finding faults
parents will inevitably be perceived as problematic by school/church staff and other parents
compel parents to undergo psychological assessment by psychologist paid by MCFD (by way of a CFCSA Section 59 application)
fish for “expert” evidence to
support their theory of unfit
degrading the dignity of parents
adjourn custody hearing using excuses such as unavailability of witness or reports when MCFD has a weak case
to prolong holding of children in
foster homes to strengthen their theory that children are safe and well adjusted to foster life
suffer a longer pre-trial anxiety and prolonged separation between parents and children
exaggerate and/or misconstrue information obtained from any parties, including children (who are seldom allowed to testify in court since minors are considered incompetent witness in law)
to create “evidence” to justify removal of children; and/or
to provoke parents to act out of character to prove that they have an anger control problem
children unjustly taken away from
their parents
use foster parents and
supervised visitation workers to
provoke parents during phone
contacts and supervised visits
if children are returned under a supervision order, send after-hour social workers to camp
outside the residence and their secret agents to stalk parents (see our MCFD Surveillance for more information)
to step up surveillance fishing for
a breach of supervision term,
hence justify another removal
putting families in continuous
duress and reduce the chance of
using children as pawn and
financial aid as bait to force
parents to divorce and/or to
blackmail parents to admit guilt in
to punish whoever social workers
do not like under the pretext of
risk elimination
contrary to family development as
the Ministry’s title implies, this
usually results in family
destruction and increase the
social costs to provide assistance
to families destroyed
deliver their so-called “evidence”, such as psychological assessment in the last minute, usually the day before trial, or at times just minutes before hearing
to minimize the parent’s defense
ability against harmful allegations; should parents seek adjournment to allow time to prepare a defence, MCFD wins as they will keep removed children longer; be mindful that the longer they keep the children in foster homes, the better they can justify that the children are well adopted to a new "safe" environment
prolong separation of family members
placing siblings in different foster
homes, traumatize them and
accuse parents of causing the
mental harm
to taint parents as abusive and
causing substantial mental harm
to young children
bringing police to residence,
demanding entry without search
warrant under the implied threat of child removal
to intimidate, demonstrate power
and to fish for useful information
waste of public resources, disturb
peace in residential
neighborhood and render the
neighbors to view the family in
question with prejudice
threaten removed children by
telling them that they will never
see their parents again if they do
not tell collaborating stories,
sometimes this is done in
conjunction of sweet carrots such
as buying them a toy or a threat
in a restaurant
to create “evidence” to justify removal and the application of various forms of custody
inducing fictions among family members and setting bad examples to young children to lie, especially when this is done by a person in a position of trust and authority
ask parents to find friends and relatives to be supervisors during visitation
to use this opportunity to fish for
incriminating information and to
destroy the reputation of parents in their
social circle
seriously disturbing normal family
apply for restraining order under Section 98 of CFCSA to prohibit parents (for a period of up to 6 months) from contacting their children, foster
parents or the whistle blowers
• to set up more traps for parents
to fall into;
• divert parent’s focus from
getting their children back;
• render parents guilty when
trying to fulfill the natural human desire of seeing their children
creation of “crimes” and provoke
parents do harm to society
tell court sheriff that parents are carrying weapon or other prohibited substances into the court house and ask them to search parents each time they attend court
• to publicly humiliate parents and to demonstrate their power
abuse public resources
encourage each parent to retain separate legal counsels (if they still remain married and form a united front to fight their oppression) under the seemingly reasonable pretext that this would better serve the legal interests of each parent
• to further complicate the legal process as more lawyers involved will likely result in a longer hearing and more scheduling difficult to set a court date sooner;
• to exact more financial punishment if parents do not qualify for legal aid;
• to weaken the unity of parents, a typical divide and conquer scheme
• waste public resources as this will unnecessarily lengthen the legal process
• induce fiction and conflict between spouses and enhance the chance of marriage breakdown
use parent’s past criminal history as justification to remove children, even when there is no complaint that child safety is jeopardized;
be mindful that Director v. M.P., 2005 BCPC 651 established child removal and granting of temporary custody order in favor of MCFD when there is no complaint, the child is not in immediate danger or that the removal is in the best interests of this child. The Court cited in this case: "All the Director need do is make out a prima facie case (an extremely low threshold of proof in law) that the child may be in need of protection, and then I can make one of the orders set out above that is appropriate in the circumstances."
There is no logical explanation other than creating more files to enhance job security. Be mindful that the behavior of these people are sometimes unfathomable to outsiders.
this almost amounts to a
double jeopardy prohibited under
Section 11(h) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,
allowing parents to be penalized again for the conviction of the same crimes will bring the administration of justice into disrepute (of course, MCFD's counsel will argue that different legal issues are litigated in CFCSA proceedings)
keep raising the price tag of returning children or changing the focus of their “child protection concern” if fails to fabricate enough evidence to prove a previous “concern”, for instance, if parents completed an anger control course with good remarks, social worker starts raising concerns on their parenting skills which has never been raised before
to justify the removal and subsequent custody or supervision order applications
• waste public resources
• prolong separation of family members
disallow meetings to be audio or video taped and at times, prohibit parents from bringing a third party to attend meetings using privacy or confidentiality as excuse
prevent parents to get tangible evidence or witness to prove what had transpired in the meetings so that they can change what had been discussed and agreed to their likings
• prohibit parents of their rights
• loss of confidence of government
arbitrarily cancel phone and/or visitation access of removed children using invalid excuses such as recording children during visitation, permitting children to conduct dangerous activities such as biking riding, ... etc. (see real documented supervised visit cases in the Article and Video Archives); be mindful that no provision in CFCSA authorizes social workers to do this
[added on April 14, 2008]
• to beat parents into submission;
• to deter parents and children from unveiling the true color of various key players/beneficiaries in the "child protection" industry;
• to induce conflicts among family members to blame one another for causing the loss of opportunity of seeing their children and therefore enhance MCFD's chance of winning custody by breaking the family through a classic divide and conquer tactic;
• to provoke parents into anger to prove social worker's child safety concerns.
• unreasonably prohibit parents of their rights
• loss of confidence of government
seek long hearing period when scheduling hearing date, alleging that MCFD will call a large number of "witnesses" and "evidence" (be mindful that the larger number of days estimated in the hearing, the more difficult to get a court date sooner)
[added on April 15, 2008]
• to schedule a hearing date as remote as possible to prolong the child holding period;
• allow more time to fabricate "evidence" and to create more "witnesses" (such as supervised visitation workers who are paid by the ministry and take notes while parents see their children) in their favour;
• to wear and tear parents;
• to allow more opportunities to find faults and to destroy parent's finance (as they will likely lose their job by taking time off work to see their children);
• to induce parents to enter into consent order or agree to mediation or other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms using earlier settlement as bait, be mindful that these alternative mechanisms are as lopsided as the court hearings
- against the guiding principle [2(g)] of CFCSA obliging decisions relating to children should be made and implemented in a timely manner
prolong separation of family members and increase the chance of destroying families as parents are under duress and start blaming each other for causing the child removal
under the pretext of supervised visitation worker availability, keep changing supervised visit time and day after parents obtained consent from their employer to take time off work on certain day of the week to see their children
[added on April 16, 2008]
• to inconvenience parents and to demonstrate their power to play god;
• to increase the chance of getting parents fired from their employment for the purpose of destroying their finance;
• if parents fail to attend supervised visits of their children due to the need of going to work, it will be used as "evidence" in court alleging that parents do not care about their children
• creating more social problems to justify the need of "social work"
increasing hardship to parents
ask police and Crown counsel to lay criminal charge(s) on parents (usually uttering death threat, violence or sexual assault related charges) based on false allegations or weak evidence, be mindful that most police forces and RCMP detachments have a special squad assigned to work with social workers in apprehending children and to escort them whenever requested, there is strong "rapport" between these two law enforcers; flimsy charges are usually stayed before criminal trial but long after the Section 35 presentation hearing
[added on April 17, 2008]
• to intimidate parents;
• to lend support in custody or supervision application as most judges will make a more cautious decision (erring on the side of caution is frequently found in judgments) if there are outstanding criminal charges;
• to obtain bail conditions such as no contact with children, no approach of residence or foster home that social workers could not obtain otherwise
• to further destroy the parent's reputation as most people view laying of criminal charges very negatively
• to exact more financial punishment as parents probably will need to retain counsel to deal with these criminal matters (unless they qualify for legal aid)
• to divert parent's resources and to distract their focus in dealing with the child protection litigation
against natural justice and bring the administration of justice into disrepute
increase hardship to parents
If parents belong to any professional group, "child protection concerns" will soon be brought up to the attention of the professional governing body. The intent is to destroy parent's good standing by raising doubt on their "questionable" character, mental stability, sexual immorality involving young children, anger control ability and addiction to harmful substance, ... etc.
[added on April 18, 2008]
• to open multiple front battlefield for parents to fight if a professional conduct hearing is induced;
• to add weight in their custody or supervision order application if the governing body decides to suspend parent's professional credential;
• to destroy parent's reputation, peer support and finance;
• to undermine the good character reference parents may manage to find
• act outside MCFD's child protection mandate;
• defamation without fear of repercussion as MCFD will indemnify (with tax dollars) all work related lawsuits of its employees (such indemnity will render the establishment of accountability extremely difficult)
brainwash removed children in foster homes to believe that their parents are bad and/or to indoctrinate them to give incriminating statements against their parents
[added on May 14, 2008]
• to fabricate evidence to support their custody or supervision order applications in court;
• to "prepare" removed children for adoption as children are easier to handle in foster homes and homes of their adopted parents if they believe that their natural parents are bad people to go back to;
• if the situation permits, to provide evidence for the Crown to lay criminal charge(s) on parents, which will lend substantial support to MCFD in child protecting hearings (usually charges are laid shortly before child protection hearings; if the criminal case is weak, the Crown will either stay the proceedings after the child protecting hearing is over or go to trial for the purpose of punishing parents)
• destroying healthy relationship between parents and children;
• moral corruption as this may destroy families which MCFD is supposed to help;
• render the administration of justice into disrepute
team up other social workers unrelated to the case and their supervisors to show up in court, especially when they have a weak case or are about to lose in a hearing
[added on May 14, 2008]
• to provide "moral" support to one another;
• to deliver subtle signal to the trial judge that MCFD finds it imperative to be successful in this litigation (despite that not all judges are influenced by this tactic)
• waste of tax dollars as these government employees could have used their time more productively elsewhere;
• misleading to the public as social workers always allege that they have a big work load to justify higher pay and more staff while they waste their time in attending court cases in which they are not involved
during the hearing, the MCFD's counsel will take up a good portion (60% to 70%) of the time in examining witnesses, repeatedly elaborate on the theory that social workers dream up and leave little time to the counsel of parents to cross examine and calling their own witnesses
[added on May 21, 2008]
• to get more time to indoctrinate the judge (an application of the saying "tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth");
• to maximize the chance of winning in court
• against natural justice
• unnecessarily prolong hearing, hence wasting expensive court time and tax dollars
social workers search parents and their removed children before and after supervised access and prohibit or confiscate any materials (such as tape recorder, camcorder, cell phone, phone cards, religious materials) they disallow; parents who fail to comply will not be allowed to see their children
[added on July 3, 2008]
• to intimidate parents and beat them to recognize their undue authority (be mindful that no provision in CFCSA allows them to do this, however with the authority to remove children at will, they usually get what they want in reality with no fear of punishment whatsoever);
• to fish for information that could be used to support their theory in court
• to prevent communication of the free will of removed children, usually their desire to come home and the maltreatment and abuse in foster homes, to the outside world
• gross invasion of privacy
• contravening Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom which states that everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.
supervised visits of removed children are arbitrarily cancelled without reason or notice, especially after a long separation or before special events such as birthdays and Christmas; parents do not know that they cannot see their children until they arrive at the meeting place, and wait for a long time before are told that they have already been notified of the cancellation (of course, such cancellation notice has never been given in many cases)
removed children are brought to the usual meeting place and are told that their parents do not show up, implying that they do not care about them or have abandoned them (of course, parents are never notified of such visitation)
[added on July 17, 2008, revised on October 10, 2008]
• to provoke parents into anger to prove their "abusive parent" theory;
• to punish parents and to make them shed tears (we have seen social workers smiled when parents wept; according to these parents, it is the only time that they have seen their social workers smile during the entire course of their fateful encounter);
• to demonstrate that they have the power and are in charge
• to create fear to parents that they will not see their children again and force them to admit guilt of child abuse
• to destroy the family tie and induce doubt and hatred between parents and children
• disrespect the spirit in law that parents should be given reasonable access
• traumatize the very children that they are supposed to protect
"Child protection" social workers seldom use sworn affidavits in CFCSA proceedings. Generally, they give testimonies in court, which is a much more time-consuming alternative. Furthermore, they often present useless and irrelevant information to overload trial judges and to occupy expensive court time.
[added on January 6, 2009]
• to lengthen the hearing and exact more financial punishment on parents if they do not qualify for legal aid (be mindful that lawyers charge by the hour in this type of case);
• to make their case seemingly substantiated by many "facts" and "history of problem";
• to take up more court time so as to minimize the amount of time available for parents to either cross examine MCFD's witnesses or to present their case
• render the legal process unfair and biased
• waste tax dollars
Most "child protection" social workers do not allow interviews and meetings be recorded (indeed we have not come across any who do). If parents insist, they will terminate the meeting and accuse parents of not cooperating with their investigation. Be mindful that
recording a meeting or phone conversation in which the recording party is a party of the meeting or conversation, even if done covertly, is not illegal.
[added on January 6, 2009]
• to allow latitude to change their position, allegations or agreement as they please in the future;
• to avoid getting caught by tangible evidence of their wrongdoings;
• to demonstrate that they are in charge
• loss of trust and confidence on both MCFD's operation and the integrity of its employees (be mindful that there is no legitimate reason to disallow recording if they act above board and on good faith);
• waste expensive court time to litigate discrepancies of what had transpired (which could be prevented if interviews and meetings are recorded), of course, judges seldom believe parents in case of factual discrepancy
Schools, especially public schools, are the hunting ground of new cases for "child protection" social workers where unsuspecting young children are intimidated, interrogated and removed by surprise. Unlike the second YouTube video archived on this page, social workers do not need consent from parents or from court before they can legally interrogate and remove children from school in British Columbia.
[added on January 15, 2009]
• to obtain information in a social worker friendly environment as school teachers and principals are willing partners of the "child protection" industry and parents are usually absent, hence no resistance whatsoever
• be able to misconstrue or fabricate whatever information they see fit without witness testifying the contrary
• be able to threaten children to collaborate and to provide incriminating against their parents
• create fear to children in their learning environment that could haunt them for a very long time;
• bring the administration of justice into disrepute as "evidence" collected in such manner is grossly unfair and improper
If children placed in foster care run back to their parents, MCFD maintains that the ministry is still the legal guardian, hence preventing the child in question from registering in a school to continue their education.
[added on January 24, 2009]
• to create excuse to justify that the child has been prevented from receiving proper education after parents regain de facto custody, despite the fact that MCFD is the real cause of preventing the child from receiving education
• to exact financial punishment on parents as they now need either to hire babysitter or to quit working to look after the child at home
• to build incentive for parents to negotiate with MCFD if they want their child to go back to school again
• create undue hardship to both children and parents;
• prevent children from receiving proper education
Compel young children to go to "psychological counseling" by shrinks paid by MCFD. Use sand play or picture drawing to fabricate evidence against parents. We came across incidents in which a child was told to draw a picture of his family. Before the child has a chance to draw his father, the picture was taken away by the shrink alleging time is up. The missing of father in the picture was later misconstrued as the child hating father due to abuse in the shrink report.
[added on January 28, 2009]
• to fabricate evidence of "abuse" using bogus science and inappropriate techniques
• to induce doubt, hatred and mistrust between parents and children
Sand play is used in a Chinese superstitious method called
"Fu Gay" (扶箕). Practitioners invite god to write on the sand play through their human hands and interpret the meaning of the writings, which are just some random drawings.
For obvious business reason, they usually say something their customers want to hear or something that will scare their customers to buy more services offered by these opportunistic scoundrels.
- abuse of resources intended to help children in need
- destroy families
The sand play photo above was taken in an MCFD paid shrink's office. It is a tool often used to analyze the mental state of children. Children are told to place the stones at will. Shrinks analyze the psychological profile of the children from the placement of the stones. Shrinks claims that this method is scientific and accurate. In our view, this unfathomable process is open to interpretation of shrinks paid by MCFD.
Reports with conclusions derived from this method become "expert evidence" in court that judges rely on in making child custody decisions. Parents who want to challenge this "evidence" will have to hire another shrink of equal credential to run a similar "analysis" and pay the shrink to testify in court and be cross-examined by MCFD's lawyer. This will lengthen the legal process and increase the financial burden on parents.
threaten to place removed siblings in different foster homes to blackmail parents to consent to supervision or custody order in court
[added on February 13, 2009]
• to beat parents into submission by the threat of inflicting harm to their children
• to discourage parents to seek justice in courts
• loss of confidence and trust in government;
• loss faith in MCFD as this directly contravenes Section 71(2)(b) of CFCSA, which states that:
The director must give priority to placing the child with a relative or, if that is not consistent with the child's best interests, placing the child as follows:
(a) in a location where the child can maintain contact with relatives and friends;
(b) in the same family unit as the child's brothers and sisters;
insist to cross examine expert witnesses who provide written reports or affidavits in favor of parents and refuse to pay for the costs
[added on February 13, 2009]
• use costs as a prohibitive factor to deter or prevent parents from using favorable evidence
• use the failure to provide expert witnesses for cross examination to undermine the credibility of parents
• to exact financial punishment on parents
• despite the fact that litigants have the right to cross examine witnesses, this legal tactic effectively prevent parents from getting a fair trial as they may only have expert opinions in their defence
• prevent courts from hearing all relevant information in making child protection decisions
• destroy families
if parents agree to remove life support equipment of their child due to the unlikelihood of recovery from injury or disease based on sound medical advice, social workers will accuse them of abandoning their child and use this as a reason of removal, this is particularly traumatic if the child recovers
[added on March 30, 2009]
to justify child removal by tainting parents as irresponsible and uncaring
• deprive the child in question of parental love and care when it is most needed to enhance the possibility and the speed of recovery
• unnecessarily increase financial burden to society for the legal process and the support services
• destroy families
tell removed children that they will get larger allowances, birthday parties, a trip to Disneyland or toys if they say that they had been abused by their parents or that they do not want to see their parents anymore; or alternatively, deny removed children the aforesaid goodies if they refuse to collaborate
[added on July 6, 2009, revised on February 3, 2010]
• using the gullibility of children to fabricate evidence supporting child removal, custody or other applications
• build a false positive foster care impression in the naive mind of removed children
• obstruction of justice
• abuse tax dollars in buying vacation for removed children and their caretakers if they honor their commitment
• in the alternative, bring false hope to removed children (an accusation social workers often make on parents when they tell their children that they will come home soon during supervised visits) if such promise is bogus
get another judge to hear their application after a parent-sympathetic judge has seized the case (or the file), at the point of writing, we have come across 2 cases in which MCFD managed to get a different judge to hear their application after a judge has seized the file
[added on July 7, 2009]
shop for the right judge to maximize the likelihood of getting a favorable court decision
• disturbance and wrongful interference of a judicial practice instituted for a good reason
• loss of public confidence on government and judiciary
• encourage the use of undue government power to influence a supposedly independent judiciary
tell removed children that their parents have given them up and sent them to MCFD and prohibit parents to tell their children the truth during supervised visits, using suspension of visitation as retaliatory means
[added on October 5, 2009]
• induce conflict between parents and children attempting to break their bond
• provoke parents to act out of character or to break the absurd rules unilaterally imposed to justify other oppressive actions
• betray the MCFD's mandate to help families in need
• create undue hardship and trauma to parents and children
• loss of confidence in government as lies are used by bureaucrats to justify their jobs
return children to their parents shortly before trial and re-remove them later, this tactic is often used when MCFD has a weak case or if parents dare to disagree with MCFD's decisions
[added on October 5, 2009]
• to avoid losing a court case that could become a precedent in favour of parents
• to put parents back on a long trial schedule after parents have waited a long time for a trial and suffered a long separation with their beloved children
• to make parents and children losing hope and give up the fight
• abuse of statutory authority to remove children
• further traumatize children and families inhumanely
unilaterally impose more harsh and unacceptable terms after mediation agreement is signed and warn parents that there will be consequences if they dare to take their case back to the mediator, court or the media
[added on October 5, 2009]
alternatively, omit agreed material terms favorable to parents in a supervision order or mediation agreement when presented to court for formalization
[added on December 25, 2010]
• to make parents unable to satisfy the mediation agreement, for example, demanding single parents to stay home most of the time without providing financial assistance hence destroying their livelihood
• create excuse to accuse parents for failing to live up to mediation agreement
• to justify removal or to seek a more permanent custody order
• create undue hardship to families
• abuse of authority
without the knowledge and consent from natural parents, assign a lawyer to children when they reach 12-year old at taxpayer expense, alleging that children are entitled to independent legal representation
[added on December 6, 2009]
- induce more stakeholders in the legal process to create inefficiency, complications and more difficulty in scheduling hearings, hence prolonging child holding period in foster care
- work in concert with the child's lawyer, who represents the child in court, so that allegations of abuse, the child's alleged unwillingness to go home and other incriminating "evidence" from children against their parents will appear more objective and reasonable
• waste of tax dollars
• destroy families by separating children from their parents
propose a voluntary agreement that calls for removal of children, forcibly remove them when
parents refuse to sign
used in the Removal of a 9-Year Old Autistic Girl in Abbotsford, British Columbia (16 June 2011)
[added on 7 August 2011]
use the expected refusal to accept voluntary agreement as an excuse that no other less disruptive measure that is available to adequately protect the child as required per Section 30(1)(b) of CFCSA
- betray the legislative intent of Section 30(1)(b) of CFCSA
- abuse of authority and public resources to benefit the child protection industry
when wrongdoings, corruption or torts are discovered, place different "child protection" workers in charge of the file
this worker switching tactic was used in the David and Christina Harrison case aired by Randy Wallace of Fox 26 News Houston
[added on 10 August 2011]
to avoid perpetrators being questioned in court that could embarrass the government, when cross-examined on sensitive issues, new "child protection" workers often respond by saying that "I am new to the case" or "I don't have access to the previous file".
- to minimize the risk of the perpetrating "child protection" workers being held responsible for their crimes against the people whom they call clients
- contribute to the corruption of government and the lack of accountability
- obstruction of justice
overwhelm the legal counsel of parents with fax, e-mail, phone calls, correspondence, applications, affidavits, notice of motion
[added on 11 August 2011]
exact more financial punishment on parents as most lawyers bill their clients by the hour, or frustrate and overburden their pro bono lawyers to quit
deprive parents' support, professional assistance to gain an upper hand and/or to further lengthen the legal process allegedly a lack of legal counsel
- waste of public resources
- abuse of authority and public trust
with or without the consent and knowledge of parents, forcibly drug some removed children with powerful psychotropic drugs, often with strong negative side effects
used in:
the Removal of a 9-Year Old Autistic Girl in Abbotsford, British Columbia (16 June 2011)
the David and Christina Harrison case aired by Randy Wallace of Fox 26 News Houston
[added on 11 August 2011]
- keep removed children who desire to go home under control
- beat parents into submission by torturing their children under the pretext of medical care
- portray an image that medical care is given to children in care
- create more die-hard special interests using tax dollars
- crimes against humanity
- abuse of authority and public resources
use community health nurses to hunt for unsuspecting and credulous single-mom targets (young teenage single mothers without family or financial support are the prime targets), watch for an excessive number of non-health related questions asked in different ways
[added on 21 November 2012]
- use service providers seemingly unrelated to child protection to extend their witch-hunt network
- create more cases and demand of child protection service providers
create undue distress to mothers who just gave birth
- transfer public financial resources to the hands of service providers instead of parents with children in need