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Unreported Deaths of Albertan Foster Children
IntroductionEach province in Canada has its own child protection agency. Age of protection ranges from 16 to 19. While most agencies are run directly under a provincial government ministry, some are operated by "non-profit" organizations (such as the children's aid society or CAS in Ontario). They are all fully empowered by a provincial statue to remove children from their parents at will. Child protection agencies have a different name in different jurisdiction. Some are more suggestive than others of the alleged nature of child protection. In Alberta, child protection falls into the mandate of the Ministry of Human Services (hereinafter known as the MHS), formerly known as the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. MHS is governed by the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act (CYFEA) that empowers bureaucrats to remove children from their parents based on their opinion. Unlike many other Canadian provinces, Alberta has a provincial law banning publication of names, photos and other identifiable information of children who die in government care. The Alberta government is effectively shielded from scrutiny, grieving parents are silenced and the media does not have much to report. Such restrictive law works very well for the child protection industry (hereinafter known as the industry) until it backfired in November 2013. Deaths of Alberta foster children in care attracted attention of journalists. When they sought information from the Alberta government on these deaths, they ran into stumbling block. Of course, refusal to provide information is obliged by law under the pretext of protecting privacy of deceased children. The media commenced a four-year long legal battle with the province of Alberta to seek release of this embarrassing information. Alberta's privacy commissioner ruled in favour of the media and ordered the provincial government to release information on deaths of foster children while in care. Upon receiving information potentially detrimental to the industry, Ms. Karen Kleiss of the Edmonton Journal and Mr. Darcy Henton of the Calgary Herald published a 6-part series of news articles surrounding deaths of foster children while in care from 21 November 2013. They found 145 foster children have died since 1999, nearly triple the 56 deaths revealed in government annual reports over the same period. This attracted unwanted publicity, a nightmare that the Alberta government and the industry fear since inception of state-sponsored child removal. Testimonies of parents reminiscing how their children died in foster care is heartrending. This news series is described as a must-read by the anchor of Global TV. Atrocities covered in the news series do not surprise us. They add to the mountains of evidence confirming that child protection agency is the largest institutional risk to child safety. Responses of service providers, bureaucrats and elected officials of the Alberta government shed insight on how the industry defends its position and interests when challenged. The hidden objectives to protect power, reputation and, above all, financial interests are clearly revealed. Unless stated otherwise, statistical data, photos, charts, cartoons, news video footages and other materials used in this web page are extracted from the Edmonton Journal or their respective copyright owner(s). These materials are reproduced under fair use for the purposes of criticism, comment, non-profit education to advance public knowledge in building a safer future of children, research or de minimis. We claim no credit on these materials and applause media effort made to uncover one of the most hideous crimes against children in the history of mankind.
Statistical Data Surrounding Deaths of Foster Children in Alberta Between 1999 to 2013Thanks to the tireless effort of the journalists in Alberta in this project, statistical data surrounding deaths of Alberta foster children, previously unknown to the public, are now published. These deaths do not include deaths of those who were receiving out-of-care services from the ministry when they died. Tables and charts on the right were extracted from the news series published by the Edmonton Journal. The most disturbing discovery is the deliberate cover up of foster children deaths while in care. A six-month Edmonton Journal-Calgary Herald investigation found 145 foster children have died since 1999, nearly triple the 56 deaths revealed in government annual reports over the same period. We wish to bring to the attention of our viewers that these data were provided by the Alberta government without independent audit conducted by an imperial professional third party. Accuracy and completeness have not been verified. The real figure could be higher. Statistical data surrounding deaths of foster children living in foster homes, kinship or group care between 1999 to 2013 in Alberta confirm the following:
A number of unknowns (such as gender of 13 cases, ethnicity of 51 cases) are found in the statistical data as the Alberta government did not provide such information. We find it unacceptable for an accountable government not to provide such information. Responsible government ought to have kept such information and to release in full when obliged by the order of the Privacy Commissioner.
Response of Service Providers and Elected OfficialsIn November 2013, former Minister Dave Hancock, QC of MHS defended his ministry's position and told the Alberta Legislature that release of information was fought to protect the privacy of the individuals involved and to prevent collateral harm to people connected to those in foster care. This is a classic self serving ruse used by service providers in the industry. It is akin to murderers alleging that victims cannot be disclosed to prevent harm to their families. He completely missed the point. The public expects and demands transparency to:
On 27 November 2013, Mr. Hancock led service providers whose livelihood depends on state-sponsored child removal and promptly called a press conference to defend the industry. Self-serving political ruses are often used by his counterparts around the world when the value of the industry is questioned. In his twisted logic, Mr. Hancock characterized the child intervention system as one of hope in reality instead of one of despair. He commended compassionate front-line staff of his ministry and care givers. He further alleged that thousands of children do well and even thrive in care. Other service providers (such as Alberta's foster parent association representative Katherine Jones, psychotherapy practitioner Hull Services) echoed the Minister and demanded that their work of caring for children be recognized as positive. Some even alleged that their system is the best in Canada. In the raw Global News video, Ms. Jones said that she received many e-mails and letters from foster parents in Alberta who were affected by the media. The first article was published in the Edmonton Journal on 26 November 2013. We doubt whether letters from foster parents could reach her in less than one day. How could one characterizes so many unreported deaths of foster children as a system of hope? Do they really expect people to be naive enough to believe their allegations when ample evidence supported by heartrending testimonies from parents whose children died in care suggests the contrary? It is an insult to the intelligence of his audience. We find it appalling to characterize the child intervention system as one of hope in reality. Will they say the same if their loved ones are on the receiving end of their services and victimized by perpetrators? Such arrogance to beautify the hideous industry will only cast more doubt and attract more criticism. Some of these deceased foster children are probably still alive if they have not been removed from their parents under the pretext of child protection.
To illustrate the atrocities created by state-sponsored child removal and the point that foster homes are not known safe places, we reminisce the following cases of death of foster children in Alberta:
The second case above is a murder committed by a foster mother Lily Choy in Edmonton. Choy is a registered nurse convicted of manslaughter in 2011 four years after the toddler died of massive head trauma in January 2007. According to the court, Choy abused the child before his death, spanking him, making him march up and down the stairs at midnight, and leaving him wearing only a diaper in a unheated garage in the winter. Choy received a six year jail sentence. In 2013, the Crown appealed to double the sentencing to 12 years. Pictures of the three-year-old foster child showing bruises on his neck, back, arms and legs were entered into evidence at the trial. This is the system described as the best in Canada by service providers in Alberta.
Of course, the foregoing are just a few cases in Alberta known to the public and do not include cases in which oppressed parents chose to roll over and played dead. When parents want a closure (like the one in the video on the right) before holding perpetrators responsible, the child protection industry wins. How can one describe such system as the best and one of hope in realty? Governments are good at shrewd use of semantics to serve a political end. For instance, they changed unemployment insurance to employment insurance, learning disability to learning difficulty, handicapped as physically challenged. For all intensive purposes, they are the same in reality despite what terms are used to describe them. Even one foster child dies is one too many. There are 145 and many of these deaths were previously unreported. It is like the police finds a dead body and does not report or open a file for investigation. Government calls this scary system of death and despair as one of hope in reality. Is this the definition of hope and accountability in the child protection industry? Obviously, it is an attempt to cover up and to make a wrong thing right to protect themselves and their lucrative business. Mr. Hancock is a lawyer by profession. He ought to have known that failure to report deaths of foster children in care amounts to obstruction of justice and breach of trust. We feel sorry for politicians who must go in front of TV cameras to defend the problems created by the industry. Like taxpayers, they are an indirect victims of racketeering. What have they done wrong in creating these atrocities? Nothing, save and except failure to repeal child protection law that grants absolute power to bureaucrats and to stop the funding to sponsor child removal. On 13 December 2013, Dave Hancock stepped down as minister of MHS and became the Deputy Premier. Mr. Manmeet Bhullar became the new minister of MHS. All children protection departments which empowered with child removal authority exhibit a high minster turnover. Minister shuffling is common in ministries where criticisms are often received. This is a political ruse to diffuse attention and to shift responsibility as the incumbent could allege that he or she has no conduct of the former minister's portfolio. Likewise, malicious or incompetent child protection workers who foul up are often replaced so that the new worker could allege in court that he or she has no conduct of the file prior to the replacement and deny all responsibilities that his or her predecessor ought to have taken. Despite how well organized and sophisticated their propaganda is, our view on such devious and desperate effort can be summarized as follows:
"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does the truth become error because nobody will see it." Mahatma Gandhi (Young India 1924-1926)
Questioning Foster Care Should Not Be Allowed?According to a disturbing report from CBC on 27 November 2013, Katherine Jones (the head of the Alberta Foster Parent Association) said media reports questioning foster care "should not be allowed." Government officials at the press conference attacked the premise of the investigation, saying there are limits to what the public should be told about foster care.
There is no justification given to support the argument of no questioning on foster care. Such modus operandi is common among service providers in the industry. Often, an allegation or argument is made unsupported by any good evidence or sensible logic for self serving purposes. In this context, they believe that their work is unquestionably noble, professional and infallible. Despite what results they create on children and families, no one is qualified to question them. What arrogance and stupidity would suggest such god-like infallibility? This self-serving allegation defiles the laws of an open and responsible government. Former Human Services Minister Dave Hancock said: "The public doesn't have the right to know everything." Why did they say this in the press conference? For only one purpose, use religious-like indoctrination to mislead the public to believe that people should not have the right to know what is happening in foster homes. Why? To protect the privacy of children or to hide problems in foster homes ranging from unspeakable trauma to sexual abuse and murder? Under the pretext of protection, children are forcibly removed from their parents and placed at risk in foster care. It is our children and tax dollars. Why the public does not have the right to know everything? If parenting skills and propriety of child custody of biological parents can be questioned by bureaucrats, why foster care may not be questioned by the public and the media? This is double standard. Negative publicity is what the industry fears most. Under reporting the total number of foster children deaths is to avoid attracting unwanted attention. Nobody is ever charged or held accountable for the damage done to the children. Removed children are in the hands of service providers of this caliber, no wonder some of them die. In such an oppressive lopsided system, parents should shudder when self-serving people motivated by financial incentives and job security are given the absolute power to remove children from their families. Mr. Hancock further added that parents of children in foster care are restricted on what they can say publicly unless a judge gives permission. Why the industry wants so badly to get the judiciary involved? The industry heavily relies on the unchallengeable judiciary to condone its activities and to protect its interests. Most Canadians believe that judges are imperial, professional and sworn to uphold justice. Judicial decisions therefore will provide sufficient check and balance. Lopsided case law in favour of the ministry at all court levels suggest otherwise. Moreover, once a case is in court, politicians could strengthen their refusal to comment when questioned by the media. Lawyers are one of the major beneficiaries of the industry. Milking taxpayers whose pockets are in control of free spending bureaucrats and occasionally more affluent parents who are willing to spend every penny of their saving to regain custody of their children is a lucrative business. They will go to court and argue that the sun rises from the west if they are paid enough to do so. Lawyers and judges (who were all lawyers in the past) seldom speak against the industry and will not advocate revoking general child removal authority. Be mindful that judges are apex service providers in the industry. Our view is derived from the Insight Magazine (June 18, 2001) written by the American scholar Professor Stephen Baskerville who is of the opinion that it is to the interest of the judiciary to pack the courts with cases: "The one great principle of the law," wrote Dickens, "is to make business for itself." Like all courts, family courts complain of being overburdened. Yet it is clearly in their interest to be overburdened, since judicial powers and salaries, like any other, are determined by demand for their services. "Judges and staff ... should be given every consideration for salary and the other perks or other emoluments of their high office," Judge Page suggests, adding that divorce-court judges should aim to increase their volume of business. "As the court does a better job more persons will be attracted to it," he observes. He also writes, "The better the family-court system functions, the higher ... the volume of the persons served." A court "does a better job" by attracting more mothers (who file the overwhelming majority of divorces) with windfall divorce settlements.
An Anecdote of Laughable Government Propaganda: North Korean Astronaut Landed on the SunAt times, government propaganda is entertaining and hilarious. An unconfirmed report alleged that North Korea sent a man to the Sun on 24 January 2014. A North Korean central news anchorman reportedly announced during a live broadcast: "We are very delighted to announce a successful mission to put a man on the sun. North Korea has beaten every other country in the world to the sun. Hung Il Gong is a hero and deserves a hero's welcome when he returns home later this evening." According to the TV news report, Hong Il Gong is a lone 17-year-old astronaut who took off at 3 a.m. on 21 January 2014 in North Korea and landed on the sun four hours later. The take off time at 3 in the morning is to avoid the strong light of the sun when it is dark out and to protect him from a massive ball of fire. He is bringing home samples of sun spots as a souvenir. The anchor proudly claimed that North Korea has beaten every nation on earth in sun landing under the leadership of the great leader Kim Jong-un. We are unsure whether the North Korean TV actually broadcast such incredible news. It could be false or could be a fabricated news released by antagonistic parties to mock North Korea. Despite whether or not this TV news broadcast took place, government propaganda carries objectives that at times delude audience to serve a political agenda. The aforesaid news report bears remarkable resemblance with the press conference held by Albertan service providers in November 2014.
Why Bureaucrats Are Not in the Press Conference?Bureaucrats like team leaders and child protection workers do not appear to be present in the press conference. Among all service providers in the industry, they are the first one that owes the public and parents with children died in care an explanation. Where are these god-like creatures when their deeds are scrutinized by the public? Why are they hiding behind their political master? How can accountability be restored if front line workers do not need to answer to public inquiry? Despite they are called social workers and have little law enforcement training, child protecting workers are indeed de facto bureaucratic police enforcing a very unique child protection law. They have immense absolute power like entry of residence without a warrant, removal of children with the assistance of police as they see fit, unrestricted access of information and records under the custody of public bodies. They answer to no one and could disobey court orders without running the risk of contempt. Deep pocket of taxpayers provides unlimited resource to recruit foster parents, launch endless legal actions against parents, buy psychological reports to support their decisions, pay huge damages to settle wrongful death lawsuits when foster children die. One of the main thrust in the newspaper series is the 89 unreported deaths of foster children from 1999 to 2013. How could this possibly happen in the best foster care system in Canada? This bears remarkable similarity with the unreported death of many residential school children in the 20th century. In both child removal regimes, parents of deceased children either did not know where their children were or did not know that they died. Parental ties have been completely severed. Cover up is a convenient way to avoid attracting unwanted attention. This suggests that modern child protection is a derivative of the now renounced residential schools. Such corruption could not have happened without the negligence or, more seriously, the accompliceship of child protection workers to cover up deaths of foster children. They have the legal duty to ensure safety of children not only when they are in the care of their biological parents but also in foster homes. Be mindful that foster parents receive pay from government when they warehouse removed children. In British Columbia, foster children are divided into three categories (Level One to Three) with different foster care monthly rates ranging from $803.82 per child to $1,816.66 per child. As long as foster children exist on paper, foster parents keep getting paid. The video on the right revealed how adoptive parents fraudulently obtained government huge subsidies when their foster children went missing but unreported. Some child protection workers have close ties with foster parents. Investigation should begin with the relationship between the foster parents and MHS's child protection workers in those 89 unreported death cases. Child protection workers did not speak in the press conference. They never have to answer to anyone. They play god when scrutinizing parents, become faceless and nameless before the media. Confidentiality is often used as a convenient excuse to evade discussion on any individual cases. They are indemnified by the government, ie. taxpayers, who pays for all legal costs and damages of lawsuits arising from their wrongful deeds. Their defence is always acting in good faith to protect children. If their actions turn out to be embarrassing to the regime, a new worker will takeover and allege that he or she has no conduct of the file prior to taking over and therefore cannot be held responsible for what his or her predecessor may or may not have done. In Alberta, law prohibits publication of personal identifiable information of foster children died in care. This further protects bureaucrats from being held accountable. How could accountability be restored if bureaucrats never have to justify their own actions? Bureaucrats did not show up in front of the camera in the press conference. But they are not uninvolved. Each ministry has its own communication manager to orchestrate propaganda campaign for their political master. They write the speech script, tell elected officials what to say and what not to say, who they should see and who they should avoid. No information will get through without the approval of bureaucrats serving as the right hand man of their minister.
Defence TacticsThe following propaganda techniques and defence tactics used by politicians and service providers are noteworthy:
In essence, what service providers say is: we should not be criticized despite what we do and what the end results of our works are. They show absolutely no remorse of their despicable cover up effort, lack of transparency, accountability and, above all, the deaths of vulnerable children in their hands after forcibly removed from their parents. Such shameless and self-serving effort only serves one purpose - to preserve the status quo of the $684 million child protection industry in Alberta. The financial interest and job security of service providers are their main concern.
The Real Political Function of LRCY Revealed
Politicians know that state-sponsored child removal will eventually draw unwanted attention, face public scrutiny and meet resistance one day. Alberta's Office of the Child and Youth Advocate (OCYA) established on 1 April 2012 is a seemingly plausible defence that government has made every reasonable effort to restore accountability and transparency. Like its counterparts nationwide, the OCYA appears to be critical on deficiencies of the child protection regime and publishes reports containing statistics generally unavailable to the public. In fact, it has no mandate, no intent, no power to undertake any meaningful reform and, above all, subtly serve to protect the status quo. Few children benefit from the dust collecting reports that generate little or no ameliorative action. Similar offices were created by governments with child removal authority. Remarkable similarities are found not only in the title of the Representative of Children and Youth (RCY) (Legal Representation for Children and Youth or LRCY in Alberta) and the statutes that govern its power but also in the orange theme colour of the web sites. Damage control propaganda spearheaded by the Human Services Minister Dave Hancock and a number of service providers was launched to defend the oppressive child protection industry. Minister Hancock found a defence that the Alberta government has restored accountability citing the establishment of the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate in 2012. In just ten days after we published our view on the real political function of RCY, the counterpart of Ministry of Children and Family Development (hereinafter known as the MCFD) in Alberta confirmed our view. Alberta established the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate long after the B.C. government established the same in 2006. But the Alberta government beats the B.C. government in using it as a political shield when the media gets them in hot water. Mark our words. If MCFD faces the similar crisis one day, the Office of RCY will be used as a defence that the B.C. government has taken a pro-active approach to maintain accountability and transparency.
Is Child Protection Money Driven?When the child protection industry is challenged of using children to earn federal subsidies, service providers vigorously fight back. Mr. Tom Emberton Jr., Social Services Commissioner, Kentucky argued that they have to spend $39 million to earn $1 million of federal subsidies and therefore make no net profit (watch Mr. Emberton's interview at video marker 5:54 near the end). On the surface, Mr. Emberton's explanation appears plausible. But do not lose sight that they are always spending tax dollars. Federal subsidy is just a bonus and an incentive to target Aboriginal children. The primary objective of service providers in the industry is to raise child protection spending to the maximum that taxpayers could bear so that they could keep their jobs and their lucrative businesses. Government run and non-profit organization run child protection agencies alike are simply a corrupt temple used to legally transfer wealth from taxpayers to service providers. They are not the shareholders of their parasitic host and do not care whether or not it goes bankrupt. We keep reiterating that state-sponsored child removal is tax dollar driven. But child protection workers do not make an extra penny by removing more children. How can our money drive theory hold? It is true that child protection workers earn no bonus by removing more children. We do not believe that any child protection regime is stupid enough to give its front line workers a removal quota to meet in their job description. However, child protection workers need more files on their desk to justify their job. Those who are higher up in the child protection food chain need more removed children to provide businesses for the industry, seek a larger budget and to prove that there is a strong demand of child protection service in society. Be mindful that child protection workers possess a very unique work experience, ie. removing children from their parents, that has very limited value to employers elsewhere. Few of them are able to find gainful employment if they lose their job in their current capacity. Protecting their job security is one of their primary concern. Hence, our money drive theory still holds. Parents and their supporters are the only party who walk into a child protection hearing courtroom without getting paid. If there is no money, child protection workers will be the first one to walk followed by "love abundant" foster parents and the ministry's lawyers.
Comparisons Between the Child Protection Industry and Oppressed ParentsThe unwanted publicity in Alberta prompted the industry to respond and hence reveal their defence tactics and strategy. Parents who lost their children due to government intervention also spoke to the media. Victims and perpetrators displayed a sharp difference of sophistication in the propaganda war. Attributes between the two opposing parties are compared as follows:
Oppressed parents are the underdog on every front. Campaign against the industry is a David and Goliath fight. Such disparity in strength does not change the fact that parents and above all their children are victims of state-sponsored child removal. From a strategic angle, the industry is a paper tiger because it does not serve the best interests of people. This corrupt temple will eventually meet the fate of tyrants who ran oppressive regimes that harm the majority to benefit a privileged group. That said, the industry is very formidable at the tactical level. To those who have children under 19, it can create substantial damage to your children and completely shatter your families.
Different Provincial Law of Publication Ban and Percentage of Population with Children RemovedAccording to "Restrictive law silences grieving parents" written by Ms. Karen Kleiss of the Edmonton Journal and Mr. Darcy Henton of the Calgary Herald, provinces in Canada have 7 different levels of publication ban (ranging from no restriction to illegal to publish) on the name and photo of foster children died in government care are depicted in the map below. Error processing SSI fileThe map demonstrates inconsistency in publication policy surrounding death of foster children in care among provinces. There are calls to have a nationally-based death review system, which do not address the real problem of corruption arising from absolute power and racketeering, and why foster children died. Our view is supported by the example in Ontario, which is most liberal in publishing death of foster children in care. Yet similar problems are found there where child removal authority is delegated and executed by CAS. The white column in the table above demonstrates a very important key to success in the industry. An extremely small percentage of the population (the highest 0.031%) have children removed. The most populous provinces such as Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia and Alberta exhibit a percentage at or under 0.01%. Including their extended families, friends and sympathizers, the percentage of population affected by child removal will not exceed 1%. The majority of the population have little idea of what the child protection regime does, do not care or are misled to believe that it really protects children. Public ignorance, apathy and misconception serve the industry very well and allow service providers to aggrandize under the pretext of child protection. The Alberta publicity is a good test to see if Alberta can be brought into line with the several other provinces that allow publication of identifiable information on deceased children while in care by families. In January 2014, MHS announced members of child intervention round table appointed are:
As expected, all members appointed are directly or indirectly on government payroll. Despite their diverse background, they have the following in common:
At the point of writing, the round table meeting has not taken place. Based on the background of the members, recommendations from the round table will likely cost taxpayers more money, further enhance the power of the industry and removed children continue to die in care. Like in British Columbia, they will probably recommend periodic publication of statistical data of death and serious injury of children in care to placate public anger. They will fail to restore accountability, prevent racketeering and solve other problems created by the industry. State-sponsored child removal is a serious socio-political problem that must be solved at the political level.
MCFD vs MHSResponse from service providers in Alberta on 27 November 2013 after the Edmonton Journal launched "Foster care tragedies cloaked in secrecy" allows comparison of status quo protection tactics between MCFD and MHS.
![]() Despite that they may have very different names, most child protection agencies in English-speaking nations have similar structures, governed by similar laws and similar values. MCFD and MHS are of no exception. They are similar in power, modus operandi and the problems they create. Both are equally formidable to parents under scrutiny. Although MCFD in British Columbia has not encountered major challenge from the media, its bureaucrats are smart enough to advise their political masters to launch preemptive propaganda to swing public opinion, to numb the media and to garner support of its child protection activities before the hideous business of child removal gets the MCFD into hot water. Both provinces have restrictive laws to prevent atrocities created by the industry from being published. Publication ban in Alberta extends to after death of foster children while ban in British Columbia is only valid while family and child protection matters are before court. In B.C., the most disturbing practice is the selective enforcement of such restrictive law. In the "Removal of 1-Year old S. from Mel in Victoria, British Columbia (December 2007)", the lawyer of MCFD sent a threatening letter to us demanding removal of identifiable information of the family. The same case was aired by a local Vancouver TV and identifiable information of the family has been disclosed. The TV station has not received similar threat from the MCFD. Such discriminatory law enforcement has brought the administration of justice into disrepute. There are obvious reasons to suppress a weak non-profit organization that is critical of the state-sponsored child removal. We are an underdog and do not have the financial resources comparable with that of a TV station to challenge the threat. This is an act of bullying, intimidation and retaliation.
More Deaths Revealed in January 2014
On 8 January 2014, the Alberta government finally revealed its total number of deaths of children who were known to the MHS: 741 deaths between 1 January 1999 and 30 September 2013, including the 145 fatalities previously revealed. In view of the new figure, the number of deaths (56) previously admitted before is only 8% of the real total. The new figure includes death of children whose homes were under active investigation, children who were not in care but who had open child welfare files, children who had been in care but whose files had been closed, children who did not have open files but whose siblings or teenage parents did, teens and young adults who died soon after graduating from the child welfare system after reaching 18 years of age. These were all children and youth who had some previous or ongoing contact with Alberta’s child welfare system. Unlike his predecessor Dave Hancock who insisted this information must be kept secret, the new minister Manmeet Bhullar talked a different tone and vowed to make statistical data of foster children death public and to turn the death records over to outside academic experts to analyze for trends and patterns. He further alleged that a transparent round table on child welfare reform will be live-streamed online. An expert panel will be appointed to examine long-ignored recommendations from children’s advocates and fatality inquiries, and cherry pick the best. He also pledged to review the draconian CYFEA. The approach of the 33 year-old Bhullar won back some goodwill from the media. Some believe that his proposed reform could mark a radical, revolutionary shift in the way the province cares for children at risk and make Alberta a national leader in child welfare reform. Despite there is a specialization called child protection in social work, there is no such expert in reality. Those who profess as experts, like retired judges and academicians, may not have children. Furthermore, be mindful that B.C. publishes death and injuries statistical data of children receiving services from MCFD since 2001. So what? Children still die in care. Problems remain. Bhullar's proposal is a small step ahead. It gives better transparency but does not solve the problems created by state-sponsored child removal. From a political point of view, his approach could give a false hope to silence critics and public outcry. Albertans will be misled to believe that the government is taking the right approach. The industry will be business as usual, probably armed with more power and a higher budget.
The End of Child Protection Service?
Child Protection Service (CPS) has created numerous problems worldwide not only to children and parents, but its political masters as well. Humanity will be better off if money wasted on CPS is used to build more schools, hospitals, roads and bridges. Embarrassments and scandals surface every now and then. Politicians use up their goodwill to conduct anti-common sense damage control operations to save the industry. Few have the political wisdom to see how society could benefit by eliminating CPS. Rare bird who has the courage to speak against the industry conveniently died a sudden and tragic death. Incidentally, Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona announced that she has abolished the state's CPS department and has replaced it with a new division on 13 January 2014. She asked the state legislature to help in creating laws related to the new agency called the Division of Child Safety and Family Services. The new agency will be responsible for all programs related to child welfare and protection. The agency director Charles Flanagan will report directly to the governor. At the point of writing, we are unsure what power it carries, what its budget is and what the new legislation entails. The decision to abolish CPS was prompted by an internal investigation that revealed 6,000 reports of child abuse or neglect were never investigated. "Enough with the uninvestigated reports of abuse and neglect. Enough with the lack of transparency. And enough with the excuses," the governor said in a disturbed tune. On the surface, it appears that CPS suffered a setback. Elected official finally showed leadership and made the right decision to dismantle this corrupt, oppressive and counter productive regime. The population of Arizona in 2013 was 6,553,255, which is ranked the 15th largest population in the United States. 42.2% of the state’s population is nonwhite. The Hispanic population alone makes up 30% of the state’s residents. In 2010, Arizona was one of seven states where the majority of children were children of color, with a high percentage of children of American Indian and Alaska Native decent. In 2010, 27.5% of Hispanic households and 41.8% of African American households with children under the age of 5 lived below the poverty line, compared to only 13.5% of non-Hispanic white households. These demographic data suggest a significant presence of poor visible minorities and Native Americans in Arizona. This is an ideal environment to spawn the industry. The Arizona governor did not revoke child removal authority. She replaced the old CPS apparatus with a new division with a different name under a new administration. Given the fact that her decision was prompted by 6,000 uninvestigated child abuse or neglect reports, it remains to be seen whether the new agency will be given more power and a higher budget. If the new agency does receive more power and more money, CPS has not been abolished but further empowered and sugar-coated under a different name. The abolishment is nothing but a renaming exercise. Like the now renounced residential schools in Canada, the industry is undergoing a political metamorphosis. It never disappears and has reemerged in a different name - modern child protection and expanded its sphere of operation to the entire population. This crisis could well be an opportunity to the industry.
Our Anticipation of the FutureErrors do not cease to be errors simply because they are ratified into law. The industry has been very careful in re-structuring after the federal-run residential schools system taught the government a lesson on the liability arising from centralized child removals. Decentralization by delegating child removal authority to each province permits the federal government to wash its hand clean and shrewdly avoid lawsuits. Numerous expendable foster and group homes provide a shield for government to evade responsibility if removed children die in care. We anticipate the following will occur in the future:
Child protection is a multi-billion dollar industry nationwide. Service providers will not give up their lucrative businesses without a vigorous fight. What course of action should we anticipate from the child protection industry in the future? Government will turn on its propaganda machine to swing public opinion and to create an illusion that sufficient effort has been made to restore accountability and transparency. Rest assured that no meaningful reform will be made at the end. Children will continue to be traumatized and parents oppressed under the pretext of child protection. Some foster children will die in care. The industry will continue to create more problems than it solves. Society must bear the huge financial and social costs that could one day bankrupt the nation.
Six Steps To Fix Alberta's Child Welfare System
Secrecy, absolute power, fear of retaliation, public ignorance are keys to success in the child protection industry. The rest of the suggestions are of marginal use. The last step of improving work conditions and raise educational standards for front-line caseworkers could even be counter-productive. Except repealing publication ban on children’s names, all other proposals cost taxpayers money to implement. Spending more tax dollars is precisely what service providers want. Most Canadians seem to believe that allocating more money could solve the problem. Putting too much money and power in the wrong hands seldom strike them minds. With all due respect, this fiasco cannot be ended by implementing these steps. Do not waste time and money on useless reforms. Children are dying in care. There is only one solution to end this problem once and for all. Our views are documented in "Flaws of CFCSA" and will not be repeated here. In view of the background of appointed members in the forthcoming round table, it is likely that the child protection industry will be given more power and funding. To placate public anger, publication of foster children death and injury statistics may be recommended after the meeting. However, this will not solve the problem either. Representative of Children and Youth in B.C. publishes such reports of this nature every quarter. Children keep dying in care. Racketeering continues under the pretext of child protection. Short of revoking the general child removal power per Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act, the following will offer some deterrence of abuse of power, keep children out of harm's way and reinstate the long-lost rights of parents:
Of course, the ultimate solution is to revoke the general child removal power based on bureaucratic opinion and to enshrine child custody of one's offsprings as a constitutional right. We realize that this may take generations to accomplish and will meet immense resistance from service providers and those who have little knowledge on the negative impacts of child removal. Errors do not cease to be errors simply because they are ratified into law. For our children, this arduous and dangerous mission is worthy.
Since the inception of government, desirable commodities are often taxed. Table salt, iron, land, gas and fuel are some items taxed by government in the past and present. The most common reason of wars is the quest of necessities like land and natural resources. The industry found something that most parents want to keep - their children, and brilliantly built a system to use children as pawns to aggrandize under the pretext of child protection. Since most parents scrutinized are from the grass root class and have little the industry could plunder, service providers shrewdly turn their eyes on the deep pocket of taxpayers. Guided by expediency rather than principle, ambitious politicians are happy to be a willful partner because of the noble nature of child protection. High profile involvement could easily be turned into political assets. Public apathy, ignorance and mistrust contribute to the success of the industry to build a lucrative business primarily on tax dollars. Horrible ministry-created atrocities could not have happened without the failure of government to duly exercise its power. Brutality is a way of life. Child protection workers are unclouded and untouched by the notion of cruelty, remorse or guilt. They know with terrifying certainty of what it takes to be a successful child protection worker, namely, to use their fearsome statutory child removal power for their best interests under the pretext of child protection. The industry is a conglomerate. There is no head to cut off. If a service provider betrays the principles of the accrual of money and power, the others betray him. This is a human weakness that cannot be eliminated in democracy. We are not suggesting that there is no child abuse that requires government intervention. Real child abuse is rare and does not support the size of the industry. It is a crime and must be dealt with according to the Criminal Code. The industry, for its self serving interests, defines child abuse, controls the demand of its services and suppresses different views and complaints from parents whom its service providers call clients.
"Cowardice asks the question, 'Is it safe?' Expediency asks the question, 'Is it politic?' But conscience asks the question, 'Is it right?' And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but because conscience tells one it is right." Martin Luther King., Jr.
Why a democratically elected government could become so corrupt? Who should be held responsible? How many more foster children must die before political will is built to rectify the problem? How can politicians ignoring outcry of people continue to remain in office? When will those in power admit that there are serious problems and act decisively to restore accountability? Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lack of transparency, weak or non-existent oversight, financial motivation provide fertile soil to spawn corruption. Our views are documented in Our Comment on "When Talk Trumped Service" and will not be repeated here. Media publishes horrendous atrocities created by state-sponsored child removal every now and then. These stories never gather enough momentum and public support to dismantle the industry. Although it only reveals the tip of an iceberg surrounding problems created by state-sponsored child removal, the Alberta publicity is an unprecedented serial uncovering of abuse of power and corruption. It prompted politicians and service providers to take immediate action to defend their bread and butter. As we have correctly predicted in our web page titled "MCFD Propaganda, appalling ruses such as diverting attention to successful interventions, allegation of worthless reform, faulty reasons of not conducting public inquiry were used to avoid further scrutiny and to protect the status quo. Politicians fail society in due exercise of power in office.
Like the MCFD in B.C., Alberta's MHS is also a provincial minister. Yet, similar problems occur. This is a thought-provoking call to parents in Ontario who are pursuing a provincially run ministry to replace the non-profit CAS. It does not matter in what form and shape that child removal authority is being exercised. The problem is state-sponsored child removal itself. Court scheduling difficulty created by counsel's delaying tactics, lengthy hearings, litigation on irrelevant issues, procedural wrangling, problems caused by well-intentioned but ill-considered child protection legislation, lopsided case law all combine to thwart natural justice. Acceptance of fabricated evidence and coerced admission of guilt in child protection hearings has brought the administration of justice into disrepute. Our views may appear cynical, acerbic and iconoclastic. But they accurately point to the child protection system's foibles and failures. Our criticisms will inspire outrage from service providers, incredulity from the public who knows little about the industry and echo from oppressed parents to demand judicial and legislative reform. There is no political will to implement any meaningful ameliorative changes. State-sponsored child removal is oppressive, barbaric and inhumane. It is a systematic attack on a civilian population using means and methods of wanton cruelty. Child removal authority could be used to target any individual or group of people. It is a potential cause of social unrest and creates social problems such as cross generation poverty, heavy tax burden to support worthless social services, waste of police and court time to accommodate industry's counter productive activities. Our safety and freedom are seriously jeopardized. This is a global problem that pertains not only in Canada but also in countries where government has the power to remove children from the parents based on bureaucratic opinion. The United Sates, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, where there are similar child protection law and influences on government child welfare policy from the industry, all exhibit the same problem. If we are wrong, justice is a lie, love of our children has no meaning. Modern child protection is a derivative of the now renounced residential school and has no place in a civilized society. History will eventually prove that our cause is correct and serves the best interests of our nation, families and, above all, children.
"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Martin Luther King., Jr.
Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through persistent struggle guided by conscience, wit and wisdom. As a parent and a citizen, it is our duty to rise and build a safer future for your children. Evil prevails when good men remain silent. No individual could fight such oppressive and formidable power alone and win. Join us. Act before your loved ones fall prey.
Alberta Media
Research and Statistics
[This page was conceptualized on 23 December 2013, published on on 3 January 2014, last revised on 12 February 2015.] |