2015 is a year of annus horribilis for the Ministry of Children and Family Development (hereinafter known as MCFD) and a year of opportunities to make more money for the child protection industry (hereinafter known as the industry unless otherwise specified). The Supreme Court of B.C. handed down a scathing judgment J.P. v. British Columbia (Children and Family Development), 2015 BCSC 1216 founding misfeasance in public office and breach of fiduciary duty. Before MCFD finishes whitewashing the JP's case, Alex Gervais died after falling from a hotel window while in government care. In the midst of media spree on Gervais' death, another ministry-created atrocity in Campbell River was brought under spotlight. 15-year old Nick Lang, another child in care of Aboriginal background of Chilliwack, died after six days in government care after he entered a government-funded drug rehab program in June 2015. Nick's parents, Peter Lang (a corrections manager) and Linda Tenpas noticed their 15-year-old son's behaviour and appearance were changing in January 2015. Nick lost weight and his parents discovered his addiction of meth quickly enough to intervene. They found an MCFD-funded substance abuse program for teens in Campbell River, where addicts stay with local families and attend a day program with the John Howard Society. A ministry worker who arrived to pick up the teenager assured Lang and Tenpas that their son would be closely monitored while he detoxed. The boy was found dead with a shoe lace around his neck in a closet of his host family. The parents later discovered that the host family who was paid to be his caregiver was not warned about the meth addict's history or that he required constant supervision to keep safe from self harm. Lang and Tenpas say ministry staff withheld crucial information from both Nick's host family and his real family. "They didn't give us the information. Sometimes they gave us misinformation. They didn't share what they needed to share. He should have been flagged immediately with his self-harm history." When the host family found his body in a closet, in a room where he had been left unattended for 40 minutes. Tenpas had been trying to get the worker's permission to call her son after he left a distressing voice mail. Her calls to Nick's indifferent and unconcerned ministry worker went unreturned for three days before his death, because of a heavy case load. She says by the time the worker approved her contacting the boy, he was already dead. "He just didn't care ... He robbed us of our child," said Tenpas through tears. The BC Coroner's service confirms the investigation of the teenager's death is still underway. The chief coroner has not yet decided whether to launch a broader inquest into several similar cases. Nick Lang's parents are the third family in as many weeks to demand a public inquiry into the deaths of children in ministry care. Lisa Fraser, a Burnaby, B.C. woman, is also calling for the MCFD to review her daughter Carly Fraser's case, following her suicide a day after she was no longer in care. Meanwhile, friends and family of Alex Gervais, who died while in provincial care, are angry about the circumstances surrounding his death. They too are advocating public inquiry. The Langs are now coming together with these two families, to call for public inquiry.
After ministry-created atrocities occur, Minister of the MCFD always attracts unwanted media attention. Ruses used to divert embarrassing questions are often refusal to comment on individual cases due to privacy laws, recitation of child safety is of paramount importance, or simply not available to be interviewed. Minster Stephanie Cadieux, the political master of MCFD chose to evade at the beginning. Evasion buys some time but is not a final solution. Politicians have to face the media one day. So more ruses are needed. Whistle blowers must be silenced. After speaking to the media, Peter Lang received a letter from the MCFD two days later. The letter warns that his son’s privacy rights were breached by Peter speaking out about his son’s case. The MCFD alleged violation of the Child, Family and Community Service Act (CFCSA) by going public and the threat of legal actions. “I was quite surprised at how quickly it solicited a response,” says Peter. “My son was in [the care of the MCFD] for 6 days and nothing ever happened that quickly.” The teen's distressed parents claim intimidation by the B.C. Government. Peter says the most disturbing part about the letter was the fact that lawyers cost a lot of money. “It seems they go to no end, the provincial government, to spend money on lawyers,” he says. “I’m just telling Nick’s story in the hopes that it will enact change. He’s deceased now and [as parents], we will speak for him.” The allegation of protecting child privacy is self-serving and backfires in this case. When parents went public on this warning letter from the MCFD, the ministry issued a written statement read:
"The notification to the parents in this case was made by counsel as a courtesy in the event they were unaware of the law in this area."
Under intense public pressure, B.C. premier Christy Clark apologized for the threatening letter to the parents and alleged that she regretted the letter was ever sent out and her government has a greater duty to citizens than that. The next phase to protect the status quo is to retain a "friendly" external critic to review the case and write a report with recommendations. The beauty of this approach is the appearance of impartiality, accountability and transparency. A former bureaucrat Stephen Howell who had worked for the MCFD over 30 years was appointed to review the case. Howell now works as an instructor in the Criminal Justice Department at Camosun College in Victoria. According to a freedom of information request from the media, a person with the same name was awarded a $9,000 contract to do a "case review" on 17 June 2015, 8 days after Nick Lang died. The government alleged that Mr. Howell is qualified and there is nothing wrong with his appointment. The mother believes that Mr. Howell will produce a report in favour of the MCFD. She and Peter Lang demand an independent public inquiry, but their plea falls on deaf ears. The Howell review was completed but is not available to the public. On 16 November 2015, Global News reported that the Langs want details of the report to come to light, but it’s illegal for Peter Lang and Linda Tenpas to go public about anything in it, because it would violate the Child, Family and Community Service Act. They say they think the government is hiding behind privacy laws given that their son is dead. They are tired of the secrecy and demand an independent public inquiry. “We need this to get out,” said Peter Lang. “There’s so much the public doesn’t know about this ministry because they hide behind privacy.”
After ministry-created atrocities occur, the media customarily interviews the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY), a watchdog and the only official critic of the MCFD. Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond said in a media interview that Nick should be in in-patient detox to get rid of his addiction. In an interview with Global News on 13 October 2015, Turpel-Lafond said it appears to her that Nick was “at very serious risk” and needed further support. She repeatedly added that her heart goes out to the family in the interview (4 times in the video on the right). “The challenge is that we do not have enough resources,” she says. “As I’ve said repeatedly, at that stage where the kids are in crisis, particularly the teenagers.” She would like to see agencies work together to build a treatment program that meets the needs of kids. “[They] cannot be placed basically in a mom and pop foster home when they’re in active addiction and at that level of risk. They need to actually be in a hospital setting with highly-skilled staff, 24/7, probably a two-to-one ratio, to have a very supervised detox.” She adds that any death of a child needs to be fully investigated. After the Howell review was released, Turpel-Lafond told Global News she was shocked with the contents of the Howell report, adding there may have been some records that were destroyed and there needs to be a full independent investigation conducted by her office. Lessons Learned
The real culprit of this tragedy is not child removal per se but illegal drugs and the failure of law enforcement to stop the supply of harmful substances to society. Over dependence on government to solve child-related problems also contributes to the tragedy. Parents should not let government to take their children and dump them in a far away stranger's home. This will inevitably create an emotional trauma of desertion in young mind. Child protection is a parent's sacred duty. Child protection effort without willing and able parents is futile. Although we understand that many parents have to work and could not take care of children in need around the clock, parental and family support is very important to patients with addiction and other medical problems. That said, we are not pointing fingers to the parents of Nick Lang. Their tears in media interviews suggests that they are caring parents and are doing the right thing to detox their son. They acted in good faith but trusted the wrong hands. With our deepest condolence, we are sorry to hear the passing away of their loved one and bear a loss so overwhelming. ![]() This tragedy also reveals a frightening reality - parents who send their children to get help from the MCFD could inadvertently send them to death. Ministry staff could literally get away with murders and wrongful deaths of children in care, the very subjects they are paid to protect. This is not an isolated incident. A 2012 fatality inquiry has found a disabled 13-year-old girl Samantha Martin, who died shortly after spending most of her life in foster care, was failed by Alberta's foster care system. Resources should be provided directly to parents without relinquishment parental custody to care for their children in need, not via a third party whose primary objective is to take a cut of funding. This atrocity was caused by gross negligence on part of the MCFD. Ministry staff was fully aware of the teen's needs of constant supervision. None of his needs were relayed to his host family, which is a generic treatment facility unsuitable for Nick. As the RCY said, Nick should be in the mental health ward under the Ministry of Health, not MCFD. In retrospect, going to MCFD turns out to be a fatal mistake. Drug addiction problem was a medical issue, not a child protection matter where the parents are deemed the cause of the harm/neglect. As of July 2015, Stephanie Cadieux has held the post for two years and 10 months. She is the longest-serving minister since the MCFD became a stand-alone ministry in 1996. As demonstrated in the news video on the left above, the Surrey-Cloverdale MLA is an expert in using privacy laws as a convenient excuse to take political cover. This skill is very much needed for the top dog presiding over a ministry with never-ending influx of heart-wrenching bad news, child deaths, abuse of power, botched cases, foster care scandals and assorted other tragedies confirming failures of state-sponsored child removal in protecting children. ![]() In a media interview aired on 16 November 2015, Cadieux said that recommendations in the Howell report are sound and will be implemented. She added that she has not read the report because a court order prohibits her from seeing it. She repeatedly cited privacy laws to protect children and refused to comment on the death of Nick Lang. She alleged that the law does not change in terms of who can release what information when the child has died. Hiding behind the law will backfire on her in the next election. Errors do not cease to be errors simply because they are ratified into law. Moreover, how could the Minister conclude that the Howell recommendations are sound if she has not read the report? Twisted logic of people working in the industry is often amusing. Be mindful that people of this calibre have the absolute power to remove children from their parents at will. It is like giving nuclear missile launch code to finger itchy mentally challenged kids motivated by lollipops if they press the button. We shudder at the thought. The most disturbing ruse is the use of review in response to ministry-created atrocities. The minister is paid very well to make decisions. According to the Public Accounts 2014/15, Cadieux made $101,580 as an MLA, an additional is $50,790 salary as minister, $13,986 Capital City Living Allowance and $15,147 travel, a total of $181,503. She turns around and spends more tax dollars to hire an external contractor to write a review and implements the recommendations without reading them. Although spending $9,000 on Howell is a drop in the bucket by ministry standard, this buck passing ruse demonstrates no leadership and a lack of accountability. Why should taxpayers pay a minister who keeps passing the buck when ministry-created atrocities causing death keep occurring? The Lang family should sue for negligence, breach of fiduciary duty and breach of the standard of care. Although no monetary compensation could beguile the grief of a loss so overwhelming, this is the only way to hold MCFD accountable for the mischief and incompetence of its employees. Like the successful lawsuits of residential school survivors, it is hopeful the government will renounce state sponsored child removal, not because of conscience but the huge financial and legal impacts resulting from the lawsuits. Furthermore, the social workers, foster home operators, the supervisor and community service manager should all be named and reprimanded. We cannot fathom how accountability and transparency be established if service providers at fault continue to hide behind government, enjoy impunity and indemnity at the expense of taxpayers. It is likely that the RCY will write a report on this case reiterating insufficient resources for children in crisis and recommending more resources be given to service providers. Her frequently used sales pitch is spend now to save spending more in the future. More funding appears to be a universal RCY solution to all MCFD problems. She will not investigate whether money should be spent to begin with. Being in government since 1998, the RCY is used to free spending of tax dollars. In our view, too much money has been given to the wrong hands. In this case, detox is a medical problem. Nick Lang should be taken to a hospital where medical professionals could treat and supervise him. MCFD paid John Howard Society and a host family to deal with a medical problem. The latter is clearly not the best option. What is the logic behind this? Is this how children's best interests are served? In this case, there are clearly avoidable human errors. If one counts on the RCY to hold ministry staff accountable, he will be disappointed. In the RCY publication "Editorial in the Victoria Times-Colonist on Infant Deaths", the position of RCY is clear. “Fragile Lives, Fragmented Systems” in no way lays blame on individual social workers working with the families of the 21 B.C infants who died. The key finding is that the patchwork of services and limited supports to vulnerable infants and their families in B.C. is the core of the problem. In another words, do not blame service providers, blame the system.
The RCY's position was supported by the B.C. Association of Social Workers (BCASW) and the B.C. Government and Services Employees’ Union (BCGEU), which represent many of the front line MCFD employees who carry out child removal work. This is completely self-serving. How can accountability be restored, or established (since we are unsure whether it ever exists in the MCFD), if no ministry employee could be held accountable? Taxpayer indemnity must be stopped immediately. No legal costs and court awarded damages should be covered by taxpayers in lawsuits against MCFD employees and MCFD subsidiary operators. This is the only way to hold service providers accountable, not by blaming the system. Death of Aboriginal children in government care appears to be epidemic recently. Alex Gervais and Carly Fraser are high profile cases that haunt the Ministry in 2015. Deaths of children after placed in care for a short period of time are not isolated incidents. Below are just a few cases that have gone public. Be mindful it is not unheard of that the child protection industry under reports deaths of children in foster care (such as the Alberta scandal in 2013) to conceal incompetence and lack of accountability. The actual number of deaths could be much higher.
It is noteworthy to remark that there is a big time lag between the deaths and the dates that their deaths were made public. Delay in releasing information of deaths in foster care is an attempt to conceal government incompetence, negligence and breach of duty. These tragedies confirm our view that the industry is bad news to every politician, a nightmare to parents and an unbearable burden to taxpayers who pay the costs of lawsuits and damages of wrongful deaths, misfeasance in public office and torts. Elected officials who support the industry are sitting on a time bomb. It could end their political career anytime any day. Contrary to conventional political wisdom, protecting the status quo, or worse, allocating more public resources to the racket is silly and inadvertently suicidal. There are ample amount of empirical evidence confirming that MCFD has failed to protect children. State sponsored child removal harms more than helps families in need. No more costly review or inquiry by retired judges or bureaucrats is needed. We say in no uncertain terms that there is a plague of corruption and racketeering in MCFD. This oppressive regime will be condemned by history in due course.
[This page was conceptualized on 18 November 2015, published on 20 November 2015, last revised on 22 November 2015.]